Thanks to the designer Danit Peleg you can wear a 3D printed jacket

Danit peleg

For many months it seems that there are many designers, as is the case on this occasion of Danit peleg, those who dare to work with technologies such as 3D printing to assemble their latest fashion collections. This time we have to go further since the Israeli designer has decided that it is time for the clothing made using this technology to finally hit the streets.

Apparently and as Danit Peleg herself has communicated, the jacket that you can see in the images of this same post may be yours since it intends to manufacture 100 units. To get a unit, you will only have to choose size and color Since, in terms of material, each one of them will be used to make a kind of rubber with a fabric lining. The negative part is found in that each unit of this spectacular jacket will have a price of U.S. dollar 1.500.

This is what the 3D printed jacket that Danit Peleg will put on sale looks like

Apparently and as confirmed by the artist, the idea of ​​designing and manufacturing this jacket using 3D printing came after working on a dress for the dancer Amy Purdy, which could be seen in an appearance of the same during the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Thanks to this experience and Danit Peleg's concerns, new garments have been created.

Going into a little more detail, making a jacket like the one you can see on the screen takes an impressive job behind it, as well as a job of 100 machine hours, a time that can be very high although, if we compare it with traditional methods, we speak that this process is about three times faster.

As commented Elizabety king, Vice President of Digital Solutions, Community and Ecosystem of Gerber Technology, a company that has collaborated in the design and manufacture of this interesting jacket:

We are excited to help Danit bring 3D apparel to market and be a part of this incredible journey… Our creative collaboration has helped define a workflow in AccuMark 3D for the benefit of our customers that will transform the industry for years to come.

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