An home automation is a house that contains two systems, an internal system and an external system, which they are used to measure, control and automate everything that happens in relation to the house. To achieve this, smart devices are connected to the systems that collect the information we need and also respond to our requests.
The success of the home automation in recent months is due to the fact that the price of these devices which has dropped enormously and thanks to Hardware Libre Any device can be adapted to any type of house or situation. Elements that we can even build ourselves.
What elements do I need to create my home automation?
Before talking about mini-projects or gadgets that will help us create our home automation, we are going to make a list of common elements that we will need to make this home automation.
The first of all is to have a router and a powerful internet connection that works throughout the house, there can be no dead zones or rooms where the router action cannot reach. In many cases we will not need an Internet connection, but we will use a router. In other cases, such as home security, we do need Internet access, so both the router and Internet access are important.
Another common element is Raspberry Pi board. Besides being necessary for some projects, the Raspberry Pi board can function as a server that manages all the requests and orders of the various smart elements. The plus point of using Raspberry Pi is its small size, its power and its low price.
Arduino Yún and Arduino UNO They will also be necessary companions to create a home automation. Either to control the operation of the air conditioner or to control a digital lock, these plates are necessary, inexpensive and very popular.
The sensors they will also be necessary, but in this case we have to be very patient and knowing how to choose the sensor well since it will be in our smart home, running all day, 365 days a year, which means that not any type or brand of sensor will work.
The future of the home automation is that it works through voice commands, but currently that does not work in all fields and for many elements we will need to have a smartphone with internet access. In general, I recommend using an Android smartphone since many manufacturers work more with this operating system than with Apple's iOS.
What should I do to create smart lighting?
The lighting of a home automation is perhaps what has been achieved the most in recent years. Actually we have various models of smart bulbs that can be installed in any lamp and with a good connection, we can change the light and create different environments depending on the time of day or our tastes. Currently these smart bulbs come at a great cost, which means that not everyone can afford to have all the bulbs of this type.
An alternative to this is to use RGB led lights and connect them to an Arduino Yun board, with this we can control the lighting of a room in our house. RGB led lights are much cheaper than a smart bulb and the shape we can give is more interesting than with a traditional bulb, but it is true that a smart bulb has a quick and easy installation.
What should I do to secure my home automation?
The security of a home is something delicate and also very important. Currently, to create a home automation there are various projects of smart locks that open with a fingerprint or with a smartphone.
A second step would be to add motion sensors in all rooms to create a home alarm, but these projects are still not working properly. In any case, security is still pending for the home automation although I know many whose non-intelligent houses have the same problems.
What should I do to air-condition my house?
The air conditioning of a domotic house is quite difficult, but also in a normal house. First we have to make sure that the house is properly insulated. This is important because many moments where we will use intelligent air conditioning we will not be at home and if it is not properly insulated, we will waste heating or air conditioning in a useless way and without the desired result.
Once we have the home automation house isolated, we have to install a sensor with an Arduino Bluetooth board in every room. The temperature information will be sent to the central computer or a Raspberry Pi. In the Raspberry Pi we will use algorithms so that when the room reaches a certain temperature the air conditioning or heating is activated.
In this aspect of the home automation it is difficult to achieve since the air conditioners and heaters are not intelligent and the only alternative for this is to opt for proprietary solutions that are more expensive and not very compatible with other technologies. In any case, little by little progress is being made in this aspect of the home automation house.
What should I do to decorate my house?
Previously we have talked about how to customize the light or rather how to have smart lighting. We can also create a musical thread that connects to the lighting, thus creating environments that combine lights and music. The fastest solution in this case is having a smart speaker.
In this aspect there are many models that we can buy such as Amazon Echo, Google Home or Sonos. But we can also create our smart speaker. There are many projects trying to create a smart speaker. In this aspect, the loudspeaker stands out. Google offered alongside Raspberry Pi Zero. A powerful, free and cheaper solution than some smart speakers. If we opt for the free solution, we must keep in mind that we will need a large storage to store the music.
How to have a butler for my home automation?
Surprisingly, one of the best aspects that has been achieved in a home automation is the creation of virtual assistants. Their success has been such that they have been brought to smartphones, tablets and other devices.
To have a butler or virtual assistant we must have an Artificial Intelligence installed in the central server or on the Raspberry board that is connected to all smart devices. There are many free alternatives like Jasper o mycroft or we can also opt for proprietary solutions such as Alexa from Amazon Echo or Google Assistant from Google Home. The choice is yours.
Can this be improved?
Of course it can be improved. In many aspects that we have mentioned they have a lot of room for improvement but in others that we have not indicated, how in lighting, there is also room for improvement and customization.
Everything will depend on ourselves, our house and of course our knowledge with the Hardware Libre. In many cases we can create personalized and intelligent devices that solve a problem or make a home automation home smarter, it is the best of the Hardware Libre Do not you think?
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