One more element to add to our electronic components list is N-channel MOSFET transistor called IRF520. It is a transistor that you can find in various formats, both independent to add to your circuits, and also in module if you want more comforts.
In this article we will see all details and technical specifications of the IRF520 and also an example of how it would be used with Arduino.
What is an N-channel MOSFET transistor? and how it works
Un MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) It is a type of field effect transistor that is widely used in modern electronics. The N-channel version is the one we are interested in in this case, and it means that the majority charge carriers that conduct the current are electrons (negative charges).
As you know, the MOSFET has three terminals as seen in the image above, such as the gate, drain and source. That is, the control to open or close the flow of current that passes through the channel from the source to the drain, while the source is where the current enters and the drain where the current leaves.
The operation of the N-channel MOSFET is based on creating a conductive channel between the drain and the source by applying a positive voltage to the gate. Imagine a sandwich: a layer of P-type semiconductor material (with holes as majority carriers) acts like bread, and between these layers there is an oxide layer (insulator) and a layer of N-type semiconductor material (with electrons as carriers). majority). When a positive voltage is applied to the gate relative to the source, an electric field is created that attracts free electrons from the N-type material toward the interface between the oxide and the P-type material.
This Accumulation of electrons in the region near the gate forms an N-type conducting channel. This channel acts as a bridge between the drain and the source, allowing current to flow. By varying the voltage at the gate, one can control the width of the channel and therefore the amount of current flowing between the drain and the source. If the gate voltage is removed, the channel disappears and the current is interrupted.
When no voltage is applied to the gate, there is no electric field to attract the electrons and form the channel. Therefore, the device is in a cut-off state and does not conduct current. By applying a positive voltage to the gate, a electric field that attracts electrons and forms the channel. The higher the voltage, the wider the channel and the greater the current that can flow.
As you already know, these MOSFET transistors are used for a wide variety of different applications, acting as weak signal amplifiers, to switches for digital circuits, to AC inverters, or as motor controllers, which will be the example I will give later. , allowing you to control the speed and direction of the DC motor.
What is IRF520?
El IRF520 It is a unipolar N-channel MOSFET transistor, as I mentioned before. It is designed to handle relatively high currents and voltages. It is a very popular component in electronics due to its versatility and ease of use.
Pinout and technical characteristics of the IRF520
The technical characteristics of the IRF520 They vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and version of the device, but here is a summary of the typical specifications that you will find in their datasheet:
- Drain-source voltage (Vds): It is usually 100V, which means it can withstand a potential difference of up to 100 volts between the drain and the source.
- Continuous drain current (Id): around 9.2A at 25°C, although this may vary depending on power dissipation.
- ignition resistance: Typically 0.27 ohms, this is the resistance between the drain and the source when the MOSFET is fully on. Lower resistance means lower dissipation losses.
- Gate-source voltage (Vgs): It is usually 10V, but the threshold voltage (the minimum voltage needed to turn on the MOSFET) is lower.
- Dissipation power: around 60W, but requires a suitable heatsink to operate at this power.
- Packaging: It usually comes as a TO-220, a common plastic package for power transistors.
- Low switching loss- The IRF520 is known for its fast switching, meaning it can change state (on/off) very quickly, minimizing power losses.
- High reliability: It is a robust and reliable device, ideal for industrial and consumer applications.
- Easy to control- It can be controlled with low-voltage digital signals, making it compatible with microcontrollers such as Arduino.
Like transistors, it has three pins or pinout, that of the gate, source and drain, that if you look at the transistor from its front face, that is, as it appears in the previous photo, you have that the pin on the left is the 1 corresponding to the gate, the central pin It is from the drain or 2, and 3 corresponds to the one on the right, which is the source.
Formats and where to buy
Addition TO packaging of which I mentioned previously, there are also modules with the IRF520 which include greater facilities for connecting. Its price is cheap, and you can find it in many electronics stores, also on Amazon:
Example of uses of the IRF520 with Arduino
Finally, we are going to include an example of application of the IRF520 with our favorite board, the Arduino UNO. In this case, a HCMODU0083 module will be used with an IRF520 that acts as a controller for direct current or DC motors. Here a very precise control can be carried out, using PWM pulses as a technique, and by controlling the variable input voltage, control over the motor speed can be achieved.
The circuit to test the IRF520 is very simple, you just have to create the circuit that appears in the previous image, using a potentiometer, a 9V battery and a motor. As for the connection, what we will do is connect the 5V GND and VCC outputs of the Arduino board with the potentiometer and these also to the corresponding GND and VCC of the IRF520 module, and also to analog pin 3 of the Arduino. As for the SIG of our module, it will be connected directly to pin 9 of the Arduino board for control using PWM pulses. In addition, you also have to connect Vin of the module to a 9V battery in our case, although it would work with any 5 to 24V battery. Finally, the tab marked Out on the module, with V+ and V-, will be connected to the two terminals of the motor.
/* IRF520-MOSFET Módulo controlador para motor CC */ #define PWM 3 int pot; int out; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(PWM,OUTPUT); } void loop() { pot=analogRead(A0); out=map(pot,0,1023,0,255); analogWrite(PWM,out); }