Olli, the means of transport with which Local Motors has raised millions of dollars


On more than one occasion we have had the opportunity to speak at HWLibre about the company Local Motors, a company based in Arizona (United States) that is recognized worldwide thanks to its vehicles manufactured using different types of 3D printing technologies. Now, thanks to the development of Olli, the company has managed to raise millions of dollars in financing.

To give you an idea, we talked about how to finish the development of Olli, an autonomous vehicle with which Local Motors believes it can revolutionize the way we transport ourselves, undertake its production and sale, the company has collected the not inconsiderable figure of billion dollars thanks to the entry as investors of Elite Transportation Services and Xcelerate.

Local Motors has raised a billion dollars thanks to Olli

As a detail, commenting on this collection has been possible thanks to several investment rounds in which Olli has been able to develop practically the entirety. One detail that we must take into account is that the project, today, has already started to circulate in various cities such as Knoxville, Berlin (Germany) or Washington DC.

Another curiosity of Local Motors is that the company, instead of creating one of those pharaonic megafactories in the purest Tesla style, has committed to the development of what they themselves have called microfactories which will be spread over different cities around the world. Thanks to this, the company already has four of these factories spread throughout the United States while the fifth is located in Berlin (Germany)

Thanks to this new concept in terms of production, Local Motors promises that it will be much easier to order any type of Olli vehicle on demand thus allowing all buyers to further personalize their new vehicle, taking into account, above all, the needs of each company individually.

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