The PP wants to provide all hospitals with their own 3D printing department

printed organs

From the Congress of Deputies of Spain Quite interesting news comes almost by surprise, especially for all lovers of new technologies, since, for once and to try to make Spain lead in terms of developing a technology such as 3D printing, from the Popular Party has just announced a new Proposition of Law Through which 3D printing departments will be created in all Spanish hospitals so that they can produce their own tissues, prostheses and even organs when the time comes.

The great promoter of this proposal within the Popular Party has been Teodoro Garcia, the same as in recent statements offered to different media has communicated that thanks to the use of this type of technology, doctors and hospitals could save up to two hours in a pelvic operation if the doctor, at the time of its execution, It has previously a replica of the patient's bone with which to practice in advance during the preparation of the operation itself.

The PP proposes to provide all hospitals in Spain with a 3D printing department

With this proposition it is intended achieve the implementation of this type of additive manufacturing technologies very oriented to the medical sector in practically all Spanish hospitals. This would allow, according to different studies carried out, to create all kinds of anatomical models and reproductions of the human body in real size. At the same time, personalized implants can be produced for each patient, plates for the treatment of fractures, surgical guides and even personalized instruments.

The final idea is to get urge the Executive to promote and support a complete ecosystem of SMEs which will be the ones that will finally be in charge of promoting additive manufacturing in our country. This will facilitate the establishment of internal 3D printing services in hospitals that will support healthcare professionals.

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      Juanjo said

    I looked at your page but I never enter anymore, the PP? the headline would be after stealing all your pennies, the remains buy four printers so that people think there is innovation? Mixing politics with technology, I think it was not your intention, reconsider

         John Louis Groves said

      Juanjo Leaf,

      If you follow our page, first of all thank you, you will realize that we really do not mix politics with technology and in this particular case the truth is that, in my opinion, neither.

      Let me explain, in this post what I wanted was to inform that there is a proposal that seeks to provide all hospitals with 3D printing departments, only that, the problem is that this proposal has been presented by the PP just as it could have made Citizens, PSOE, We can ...

      All the best