Duino Code Generator – Generate source code for Arduino IDE with artificial intelligence

Code Generator for Arduino

In the era of digitalization and automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we do many things, and now it is coming Code Generator for Arduino or Duino Code Generator to also do it in how we program our sketches or source codes for Arduino.

Whether you're an electronics enthusiast, an experienced engineer, or just someone interested in AI, this new service can help you with your source codes. Even more so if you are not very good at creating code or you are a beginner, since you will be able to generate the code automatically and then modify it if it needs any tweaks.

What is Duino Code Generator?

If you are a DIY enthusiast or a maker who is just starting out and doesn't have much knowledge about writing code to program boards like Arduino, then AI can help you. This is where it comes into the picture. Duino Code Generator, powered by the famous GPT-3.5-turbo, will be able to write the sketch code for you. This advanced language model, developed by OpenAI, has the ability to generate code for your Arduino projects with just a simple prompt. That is, you write in a prompt the detailed description of what you want your code to do, and when you press the Generate button, the code will appear in a matter of seconds so you can copy and paste it into the IDE.

For example, I have carried out a test by entering the following information in the prompt: «Record data from a temperature sensor and use three LEDs (blue, orange and red) to indicate temperature.» And when you clicked on the Generate button, the result was this:

// Include the necessary libraries
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

// Define the pins for the LEDs
#define BLUE_LED 2
#define ORANGE_LED 3
#define RED_LED 4

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with the temperature sensor
OneWire oneWire(5);

// Pass the oneWire instance to DallasTemperature library
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

// Variable to store the temperature value
float temperature;

void setup() {
  // Initialize the serial communication

  // Initialize the LEDs as output pins
  pinMode(BLUE_LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);

  // Start communication with the temperature sensor

void loop() {
  // Request temperature readings from the sensor

  // Read the temperature value and convert it to Celsius
  temperature = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

  // Print the temperature value to the serial monitor
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  Serial.println(" °C");

  // Check the temperature value and turn on the corresponding LED
  if (temperature < 20) {
    digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ORANGE_LED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
  } else if (temperature >= 20 && temperature < 30) {
    digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ORANGE_LED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ORANGE_LED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);

  // Wait for 1 second before taking the next reading

La information you provide to the prompt It must be correct, since otherwise the AI ​​could interpret something else and generate a code that does not correspond to what you are really looking for. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that Duino Code Generator is not a magic wand that always guarantees perfect and optimized code. Despite this, it is an exceptional tool for quickly generating code snippets or for inspiration, modifying generated code, and a perfect companion to the Arduino IDE.

Access Code Generator for Arduino for free

Limitations and considerations

As I mentioned, Duino Code Generator is not a magic tool. AI is not perfect yet, and it can fail. Even more so when it comes to interpreting a prompt that you have written and that I may not understand completely or misinterpret. Therefore, generating 100% perfect code is not easy. In fact, on the service's website itself it warns you that the code has been generated using artificial intelligence and not guaranteed to work as planned.

On the other hand, it also warns you to take into account any libraries that you need to include in the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), this is something that you have to do when you save the source code in the Arduino IDE, since this does not AI can do it for you. Furthermore, it is not suitable for source codes or sketches that are too long, since the output is limited to approximately 2400 characters.

Examples of prompts

If you are going to use Duino Code Generator, then you should know better how to enter the text or description that you have to put in the prompt so that the AI ​​can interpret it correctly and generate the most correct code possible. It's not always easy, but here I put you Some examples of good and bad practices:

  • Incorrect prompts:
    • «Create a 3D printer with Arduino» –> This prompt would be wrong because it is too generic, it does not provide the AI ​​with enough information to generate adequate code.
    • «Machine learning with Arduino» –> As you know, this is not possible, since Arduino does not have this capability, so the code cannot be generated or the generated code will not work at all. They have to be concrete and feasible things.
    • «Control the irrigation of a garden» –> This other one is also very simple, it needs more details, in this case about the sensors and devices involved in this system… It may generate a code, but it is surely not what you expected.
  • Correct Prompts:
    • «Schedule Arduino UNO to flash an LED connected to pin 13 every 3 seconds» –> This example is more concise and simple for Duino Code Generator to understand and generate the appropriate code.
    • «Reads the temperature of a DS18B20 sensor connected to Arduino Uno and displays the temperature in degrees Celsius on an LCD screen DFR0063» –> This other one is also very specific and would work quite well.
    • “Read data from a humidity sensor and when it is dry, start a water pump to irrigate” –> This other example is also detailed, although it does not specify which sensors and devices will be used, but the AI ​​can interpret well what is happening. what are you looking for.

Ultimately, the tricks So that the source code for Arduino IDE comes out as perfect as possible are:

  • Language: It is not important, you can write the prompt in both Spanish and English and the AI ​​will know how to interpret it. However, for best results, it is better in English, especially when it is more complex code.
  • Be specific: You have to be very specific, providing the prompt with the details of what you want, and not be too generic. It is better if you mention all the components involved (sensors, motors, modules,...), even if you specify the name or model much better, since there may be differences or use of different libraries depending on the device used.
  • Break down: If your description is very complex, it is best to divide it into concise and simple parts so that the AI ​​can process it properly.
  • Try and failure: Lastly, you should do trial and error until you become familiar with this tool. In this way, you will be able to perfect both your prompts and the generated code. And it is always convenient to review the automatically generated code to optimize it or correct small errors that may exist...

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